Blue Tetra

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  1. Tank Size: Provide a tank of at least 10-20 gallons for a small group of Blue Tetras.

  2. Water Parameters: Maintain stable conditions with a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C), a pH level of 6.0-7.5, and soft to moderately hard water.

  3. Filtration: Effective filtration is vital to maintain water quality and oxygenation.

  4. Aquascape: Create an environment with live plants, rocks, and driftwood. Blue Tetras appreciate both open swimming spaces and hiding spots.

  5. Tank Mates: Blue Tetras are peaceful and should be kept with other non-aggressive, similarly sized community fish.

  6. Diet: They are omnivores, accepting high-quality flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods, and occasional vegetable matter.

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