Saddled Bicher

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  1. Tank Size: A tank of at least 125 gallons or larger is necessary for a single Saddled Bichir, as they can grow up to 24 inches or more.

  2. Water Parameters: a. Temperature: Maintain water temperature around 75-82°F (24-28°C). b. pH Level: Keep the pH level between 6.5-7.5. c. Water Hardness: They adapt well to a range of water hardness levels.

  3. Filtration: Use a powerful filter to maintain water quality and provide good water circulation. Bichirs produce waste and are sensitive to poor water conditions.

  4. Decor: Create an environment with plenty of hiding spots, rocks, caves, and a substrate of sand or fine gravel. They appreciate places to hide during the day.

  5. Diet: Saddled Bichirs are carnivorous and opportunistic feeders. Offer them a diet consisting of high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as fish, shrimp, and other meaty offerings.

  6. Tank Mates: Keep them with other large, peaceful fish species that won't nip at their fins or outcompete them for food.

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